Coming out of the Red corner, weighing in at approximately 200-250 lbs., this dashing titan of terror is as much a victim of circumstances as he is a monster. Having been taken against his will and turned into a vampire, he learned a long time ago that there are indeed fates very much worse than death. He bears immortality, yet has found little purpose in life outside of two things: to feed upon the humans and to grow the vampiric community. He has been around for centuries, but his name has remained the same since his birth, he is...
Lestat de Lioncourt!
His feats of strength are:
-- superhuman strength and agility
-- preternatural speed and senses
-- immortality
-- was the only one to both entice and defeat Queen Akasha
His weaknesses are:
-- sunlight proves fatal to him
-- is allergic to garlic
-- will die if made to drink the blood of a deceased victim
Coming out of the Blue corner, weighing in at around 175 to 210 lbs, this titan of terror was discipled by and turned into a vampire, only to rise through his own ranks and become a vampire lord all his own. His mission in life is simple: supremacy of all vampire kind and the subjugation of humanity. His name is infamous in both the surface worlds and the vampiric circles, and that name is...
Deacon Frost!
His feats of strength are:
-- immortality
-- superhuman strength and agility
-- preternatural speed and senses
-- was responsible for the birth of and transference of vampiric DNA to Blade
-- resurrected and harnessed the power of the blood god, La Magra
-- has control of dedicated vampire cult, as well as human recruits
His weaknesses are:
-- direct exposure to sunlight proves fatal
-- garlic induces anaphylactic shock
-- anti-vampire serum proves fatal
-- lost to his nemesis/offspring, Blade
The arena is set and the die has been cast! Cast your vote in the comments below to decide which of these blood sucking fiends shall bathe in that of their enemies gloriously, and which will lie, drained and rotted!

Lestat de Liocourt