Book Trailers
When it comes to grabbing your fans' attention, nothing stands out quite like a trailer, giving them a taste of what terrors are to come. But how might one do this, you may ask? Well, thankfully for you, you have found the hand of the Corpse Child to aid you in this manner.
Custom book trailer
I will create a video trailer for your book (Horror and/or Dark Fantasy genres only -- all subgenres of either allowed). Just provide for me the book cover, a back cover blurb, and a link to the book wherever available.
trailer = $45.00
This will grant you the trailer, a single post on my blog about the book, and I will pass the video around my various social channels for visibility as well as a spot on my newsletter.
*OPTIONAL* $5.00 for two or three shoutouts and/or promos via my TikTok.